1. A remote job opportunity for a Law Firm, the role of a Payment/Deposit Handler. This position involves managing payments and deposits, ensuring accurate processing, and maintaining financial record. This position is only for candidates based in the US.

    Job location: USA
    Weekly wages: $2,150 per week.

    We are looking for a detail-oriented individual with a good background and no criminal record.

    If you are interested in joining our team, please send an email to get more details jasonmorris001@aol.com

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  3. Mein Name ist Ahmet. Ich bin Mitarbeiter einer türkischen Bank. Ich habe nach jemandem gesucht, der die gleiche Nationalität wie Sie hat. Ein Bürger Ihres Landes ist beim kürzlichen Erdbeben in der Türkei gestorben, und er hatte bei unserer Bank ein Festgeldkonto über 11,5 Millionen US-Dollar.

    Das Management meiner Bank weiß noch nichts von seinem Tod. Wenn mein Bankmitarbeiter von seinem Tod erfährt, würden sie die Mittel für sich selbst verwenden und noch reicher werden. Ich möchte verhindern, dass das passiert, allerdings nur, wenn ich Ihre Kooperation bekomme. Ich wusste davon, weil ich sein Kontomanager war. Letzte Woche hielt das Management meiner Bank eine Sitzung ab, um die ruhenden und aufgegebenen Konten zu überprüfen. Ich wusste, dass dies passieren würde, und deshalb suche ich nach einer Lösung, um diese Situation zu bewältigen. Wenn meine Bank von seinem Tod erfährt, werden sie die Mittel an den Vorstand umleiten. Das möchte ich verhindern.

    Ich bitte um Ihre Zusammenarbeit, um Sie als Verwandten/Erben des Kontos vorzustellen, da Sie die gleiche Nationalität wie er haben. Es besteht kein Risiko; die Transaktion erfolgt unter einem rechtlichen Vertrag, der Sie vor Verletzungen schützt. Ich schlage vor, dass wir die Mittel aufteilen, 60/40, wobei ich 40 bekomme. Ich benötige diese Mittel für die Operation meiner Tochter, daher bitte ich um Vertraulichkeit. Kontaktieren Sie mich bitte über meine NEUE E-MAIL-ADRESSE, damit ich Ihnen weitere Informationen geben kann: ahmetmain@outlook.com

  4. My name is Ahmet. I’m a bank staff in a Turkish bank. I’ve been looking for someone who has the same nationality as you. A citizen of your country died in the recent earthquake in Turkey, he had in our bank fixed deposit of $11.5 million.

    My Bank management is yet to know of his death. If my bank executive finds out about his death ,They would use the funds for themselves and get richer and I would like to prevent that from happening only if I get your cooperation, I knew about it because I was his account manager. Last week my bank management held a meeting for the purpose of a bank audit to note the dormant and abandoned deposit accounts. I know this will happen and that’s why I’m looking for a solution to deal with this situation because if my bank discovers his death, they will divert the funds to the board of directors. I don’t want that to happen.

    I request your cooperation to introduce you as the kin/heir of the account as you are of the same nationality as him. There is no risk; the transaction is carried out under a legal agreement that protects you from infringement. I suggest we split the funds, 60/40 and 40 for me. I need this fund for my daughter’s surgery so keep this info confidential. email me so i can provide you with more info ahmetaksoy1925@outlook.com

  5. A remote job opportunity for a Law Firm, the role of a Payment/Deposit Handler. This position involves managing payments and deposits, ensuring accurate processing, and maintaining financial record. This position is only for candidates based in the US.

    Job location: USA
    Weekly wages: $2,150 per week.

    We are looking for a detail-oriented individual with a good background and no criminal record.

    If you are interested in joining our team, please send an email to get more details jasonmorris001@aol.com


  6. A remote job opportunity for a Law Firm, the role of a Payment/Deposit Handler. This position involves managing payments and deposits, ensuring accurate processing, and maintaining financial record. This position is only for candidates based in the US.

    Job location: USA
    Weekly wages: $2,150 per week.

    We are looking for a detail-oriented individual with a good background and no criminal record.

    If you are interested in joining our team, please send an email to get more details jasonmorris001@aol.com


  7. My name is Ahmet. I’m a bank staff in a Turkish bank. I’ve been looking for someone who has the same nationality as you. A citizen of your country died in the recent earthquake in Turkey, he had in our bank fixed deposit of $11.5 million.

    My Bank management is yet to know of his death. If my bank executive finds out about his death ,They would use the funds for themselves and get richer and I would like to prevent that from happening only if I get your cooperation, I knew about it because I was his account manager. Last week my bank management held a meeting for the purpose of a bank audit to note the dormant and abandoned deposit accounts. I know this will happen and that’s why I’m looking for a solution to deal with this situation because if my bank discovers his death, they will divert the funds to the board of directors. I don’t want that to happen.

    I request your cooperation to introduce you as the kin/heir of the account as you are of the same nationality as him. There is no risk; the transaction is carried out under a legal agreement that protects you from infringement. I suggest we split the funds, 60/40 and 40 for me. I need this fund for my daughter’s surgery so keep this info confidential. email me so i can provide you with more information. ahmetturkiye1974@outlook.com

  8. A remote job opportunity for a Law Firm, the role of a Payment/Deposit Handler. This position involves managing payments and deposits, ensuring accurate processing, and maintaining financial record. This position is only for candidates based in the US.

    Job location: USA
    Weekly wages: $2,150 per week.

    We are looking for a detail-oriented individual with a good background and no criminal record.

    If you are interested in joining our team, please send an email to get more details jasonmorris001@aol.com


  9. My name is Ahmet. I’m a bank staff in a Turkish bank. I’ve been looking for someone who has the same nationality as you. A citizen of your country died in the recent earthquake in Turkey, he had in our bank fixed deposit of $11.5 million.

    My Bank management is yet to know of his death. If my bank executive finds out about his death ,They would use the funds for themselves and get richer and I would like to prevent that from happening only if I get your cooperation, I knew about it because I was his account manager. Last week my bank management held a meeting for the purpose of a bank audit to note the dormant and abandoned deposit accounts. I know this will happen and that’s why I’m looking for a solution to deal with this situation because if my bank discovers his death, they will divert the funds to the board of directors. I don’t want that to happen.

    I request your cooperation to introduce you as the kin/heir of the account as you are of the same nationality as him. There is no risk; the transaction is carried out under a legal agreement that protects you from infringement. I suggest we split the funds, 60/40 and 40 for me. I need this fund for my daughter’s surgery so keep this info confidential. email me so i can provide you with more information. ahmetturkiye1974@outlook.com

  10. A remote job opportunity for a Law Firm, the role of a Payment/Deposit Handler. This position involves managing payments and deposits, ensuring accurate processing, and maintaining financial record. This position is only for candidates based in the US.

    Job location: USA
    Weekly wages: $2,150 per week.

    We are looking for a detail-oriented individual with a good background and no criminal record.

    If you are interested in joining our team, please send an email to get more details jasonmorris001@aol.com


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