Lennox mini split error codes and their meanings
Selecting Lennox mini-split system can be a great idea when it comes to controlling the temperature of your home. However, some models are only for air conditioning but, some such as heat pump models, provide both heating and cooling. Like other home appliances, the Lennox mini-split may also contain bugs and malfunctions.
But, knowing the meaning of any error may help half to resolve the problem. Today, we will discuss some Lennox mini split error codes and their meanings. After knowing the meaning of these errors, you should be able to take action related to the error especially when it needs a professional.
Familiar Lennox Mini Split Error Codes
Here are some error codes that are more likely can be seen on a Lennox mini-split system. However, the error code can be different from model to model.
E1 – Outdoor /Indoor Unit Communication
Error code E1 on a Lennox Mini-Split system generally indicates an issue communicating to the indoor unit with the outdoor unit. This error code appears when both units won’t communicate properly with each other and when this happens, the temperature won’t be balanced.
Possible Causes: Short circuit, malfunction in electric board or some other communicating problem.
E6- Indoor / Outdoor Unit Communication
E6 on Lennox Mini-Split is again an indication of communication issue between indoor, and outdoor units, and the possible cause can be the same as of the E1. If you know how to deal with a multimeter then, resolving these two issues (E1 and E6) will be simple for you as you can check where is the problem.
E5 – Temperature Sensor Error or Voltage Protection
This error code appears on a heat pump model so, if you have a heat pump model and getting an E5 error code then, this could be an indication of an issue in the system’s voltage. Getting in touch with a verified technician will be a good choice for you to resolve the issue. Low and high voltages both could cause this error code.
P4- Issue with Compressor’s drive
Error code P4 on a Lennox mini-split unit indicates an issue with the compressor system in the outdoor unit. This error code can appear when the compressor drive has malfunctioned, usually due to excessively high temperatures.
P6 – Drive Board Failure
A Lennox mini-split system has a drive board so the indoor and outdoor units can communicate with each other. When this drive board gets faulty error code P6 arises. Additionally, this error code can also appear when the Compressor Switch is open. A compressor switch is to protects the electrical components when the temperature exceeds its safe level.
We will again say that the exact meaning of an error code depends upon the model of your system or unit. In most cases, your unit will need repair by a professional. Luckily, Lennox itself provides the best way to get in touch with a verified professional. Just visit Lennox Support and engage with a Lennox associate for better assistance related to your model.
Recommendation: There are several other professionals in the market but, we will recommend talking to Lennox assistance before going to take any decision.
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